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Oral Hygiene with Braces

Close up of girl with braces holding interdental and traditional toothbrush.Maintaining your oral hygiene is even more important when you are receiving orthodontic treatment. This is because plaque can easily build up around the brackets and increase the chance of developing tooth decay. There are changes that you will need to make to your dental hygiene routine to accommodate for your braces. This will ensure there are no complications once the braces are taken off. Roncone Orthodontics can give you advice on maintaining dental hygiene during your orthodontic treatment plan, to ensure the viability of your teeth.

How to Brush Teeth With Braces

Brushing your teeth while you have braces will be slightly different than your usual dental hygiene routine. This is because you will have to use different techniques to reach the enamel that is behind the wire and around the brackets.

Firstly, you will want to brush the enamel that is easy to reach, such as the biting surface of the tooth. You will need to use unusual angles to achieve effective brushing in these areas in order to accommodate for the wire. It can be easy to neglect the back of your teeth when you have braces, as you dedicate more time to brushing behind the wire, but you must remember to brush there or risk developing tartar.

Brushing behind the wire, by directing the toothbrush towards the top of your mouth, will ensure that the enamel and brackets do not collect harmful bacteria. It is also important to remember to clean your tongue and gum, as bacteria can also collect there.

Flossing and Rinsing

While wearing braces, it is important to rinse your mouth after every meal. This is to dislodge any small bits of food that may have got stuck in the braces during eating. It is unhealthy for the teeth if food remains in the mouth for long periods of time, particularly sugary foods, as the acid can break down the tooth enamel.

For a similar reason, flossing should be done once a day to remove food and plaque from between the teeth. This is made more difficult due to the wire, but flossing is still very important.

What Food Cannot Be Eaten With Braces?

Unfortunately, some foods cannot be eaten while you are wearing braces. This is because the foods could possibly damage the wire and brackets of the braces, or be very difficult to remove from your teeth. However, some foods that you may have thought should be avoided are in fact allowed, but they must be prepared correctly.

Corn chips, crackers and hard pretzels should all be avoided due to their brittleness and the damage they could potentially cause to the braces. Sticky food items as well, such as chewing gum, caramel and dates should be avoided as they can be difficult to remove from between the teeth.

Contrary to popular belief, apples and corn on the cob can be eaten. However, they do need to be prepared correctly, i.e. chopped up before consumption, to avoid damage to the braces.

Roncone Orthodontics can inform you on how to maintain your dental health during braces treatment. To book an appointment and learn more, contact us at (951) 595-8291.
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Oral Hygiene with Braces Temecula CA
Maintain excellent oral health during your orthodontic treatment with our tips on oral hygiene with braces. Call us in Temecula, CA today!
Roncone Orthodontics - Dr. Christopher Roncone, 32140 Temecula Pkwy Suite 201, Temecula, CA 92592 • (951) 595-8291 • • 1/12/2025 • Page Phrases: Orthodontist Temecula CA •